Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back to life, Back to reality......

Well tomorrow is "officially" my (Aubrey's) first day back to work from the summer. I have to admit I am having mixed feelings about it. I love my job. I love my students. I love my identity in what I do. I love the reward in impacting kids lives in a positive way. I am good at what I do. I don't mean that to sound boastful, but I work hard at my job and I have witnessed life changing differences in my students. From the moment I was hired to teach, I knew in my heart that it was what God called me to do. Funny, I never wanted to be a teacher.

However this year going back to work presents it's own little twist; I love my baby girl. I have always envisioned myself as a "working mom"...I think it's just who I am. I have always said I would work when I had kids and I have honestly never thought differently about it. However, holding those pudgy little thighs in your hands and kissing those "fluffy" little cheeks makes me realize it might be a little touger than I had thought. It's probably going to be a rough few days, but we'll make it through right? In a perfect world I would do both all day long, be an excellent teacher all day for other peoples kids and be an excellent mom all day for my own. yeah, that would be perfect.


Unknown said...

The truth of the matter is aubrey..."you are a perfect mom" and "you are a perfect teacher"...
so in a way ??? you do have the BEST of both worlds....and then not to mention.... theres that perfect husband of yours !! God is ever so constant with his blessings.

jwow said...

Keep the videos coming, it makes me feel more at home. How sweet is my little Trinity! Take going back to work one step at a time, that is how I am taking this whole Africa thing. I love you and miss you so much I miss talking on the phone,having a diet coke with you, shopping and eating too many chips and salsa together.