Saturday, January 24, 2009


This weekend is one of our first "down" weekends in a while. We didn't have a lot going on , except of course the never ending job of working on the house. Clint has been working on the master closet. I am SO excited! Right now Clint has his clothes in the guest closet and my clothes are spread out all over the place. Some are in the guest closet, some are in Trinity's closet and the rest are in the master bedroom in suitcaes and boxes. I am a bit of an "organization freak" ( surprise surprise!), so I am excited for completion of the closet.:-) It's kind of fun getting design how you want everything laid out! hmmm..where can I put ALL of my shoes!!

Having a down weekdend has also meant we got to spend lots of fun time with Trinity! She'll be 14 months this week which is just crazy...where does the time go? She is still not walking completely on her own. She practically runs when you hold her hand, but she just gets scared when she is on her own. I am not too worried....she knows when she's ready...she'll do it! (right?!!!) She is getting so fun and beginning to say some fun stuff. She finally says "ma ma"....I thought it would never come. She also loves to say "hi" and wave at anyone and any animal in front of her. Dogs are her favorite. She said "A" for Ace way before she even thought of saying "ma ma"! haha. We are trying to learn some "baby sign"...not sure if it's totally kicking in. She does sign "milk" sometimes, but who knows. She is definately is a little "indpendent woman" and does what she wants when she wants too...(hmm..who does she get that from?!!)

Tonight at dinner she learned a new "trick" and a new word "uh oh" probably shouldn't be a "trick" we encourage in the future, but hey we had to capture it on video! Unfortunately we missed the "original" on video, but we tried real quick to re-inact it....She is just so stinkin' cute!!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We have a toothy!!!!!!

Ladies and Gentleman.....get out your toothbrush....we have a toothy!!

January 10, 2009 should be a day never forgotten....Trinity got her first tooth! Yes we had been the "toothless wonder" up until then. 13.5 months and finally a tooth pushed it's way through. Which is a good thing...we were beginning to wonder..."Do they make baby dentures?!"
I tried to take a few pics of the "gem" itself....however it was not happening. Funny how a 1 year old doesn't want you to shove a camera in thier mouth so you can take a pic :-). So I thought instead I would post some pics of the "tooth in action"...aka...dinner time! Do not be fooled ....being toothless for so long did not keep my girl from eatin'!

Nothing like a moundful of rice, veggies and chicken for dinner!

Is she eating it or saving it in her bib for later?


Trying to squeeze a smile in between a grain of rice!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


That is the only word there is to describe it. I have been a total slacker on the blog lately! I apologize!!! I could give you a list of excuses, but that would be lame. Let's be honest...I just need to step it up!! haha

We have been super busy in the last month. Let me see if I can summerize it! :-)


Christmas Tradition: Our first Christmas together, Clint and I didn't have a "tree topper" for the top of our tree. We didn't have much $$$ then, so Clint made our Angel for the top of the tree out of was awesome and started a great traditon. Each year we have been married someone new makes the tree topper. One year I made one of Candy (it got eaten!), Amy made one out of a toilet paper roll, Aaron made one last year out of pics of him and Trinity, a friend of our made one out of a pepsi can...and so on. This year it was Adam's turn! He did awesome! I was so impressed with his "angel!" GO ADAM! It was perfect~
Shortly after Trinity dowsed was in toys and clothes for her 1st birthday, she got to do it all over again!! CHRISTMAS! Although Trinity was about a month old last Christmas, she was so much fun this year! We got to see her face light up seeing all of the decorations, she did discover the Christmas Tree (debatable if that was a good thing..haha), she got to see Santa (and didn't scream!) , and SO much more!

Santa came to visit on Christmas Eve Day and Trinty was just fascinated with his beard. Go figure!

Here's a little video of Trinity when Santa came to visit.

Trinty and Momma modeling her new hats she got from Aunt Steph & Mimi! (she was sleepy..who knows what that face is she is making!)

Our awesome family!


Clint was super sweet this year to me for Christmas. To explain, I'll have to start from the begining. :-) When we got married, I never had a wedding band. It just wasn't in the "cards" for us at that time. We were young, I was unemployed, you get the picture. :-) Well 7 years later, Clint surprised me and gave me a wedding band for Christmas! I could have cried! I was so happy. When he and I were exchanging gifts he handed me an envelope. (I have to admit I was a bit perplexed, as I was sure I was getting an ipod...I was thinking how does an ipod fit in an envelope?!!) In the envelope was a note that told me to look in the Christmas Tree for my gift...and low and behold there was a red jewlry box with my ring in it! He gets huge brownie points! I do have the best husband ever! That little sweetie, he is so clever...he really did have me convinced I was getting an ipod! haha. Our new joke is that after 7 years we are finally married...we are newlyweds all over again!


No, your eyes are not fooling you. Clint did get a blender for Christmas from his wife! But not just any's THE BULLET! Smoothies and Shakes here he comes~ yes I know that it seems a little odd that Clint gave me a ring and I gave him a blender.....good thing he loves me!

Clint Lovin' his new bullet!

Clint and Amy enjoying thier first (and definately not last) chocolate shake from the BULLET! Yeah baby!


On Christmas Day, we headed down to McAllen, Texas to visit the Martin side of the family. We were only there for a few days, but had a really good time! Most of my dad's side of the family lives down there so we got to see them all. And also my Uncle's family that lives in Colorado came down as well...we had a blast with everyone! We stayed with my cousin Jeremiah and his family. He has two little girls so , needless to say,Trinity had a blast with them. Thanks Jer & Anne Marie!! We got to hang out with my grandparents who just celebrated thier 60th Wedding Anniversary!!! How Awesome is that! Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa! Grandma cooked dinner everynight...gotta love some good ol' home cookin'!! I kept trying to get some cooking tips from Grandma while I was there....How come my fried Chicken NEVER turns out as good as hers?? It was good to see everyone that was down there....we need to not wait so long next time to visit again! Unfortunately, the one thing we DID NOT do while we were there...was take many pictures. I need to learn to be better at that!

Aubrey's cousins Jessica and Nigel at Grandma's house!

My dad was holding Trinity before I put her down for a nap...I couldn't resist. You'll have to watch the video! ha ha. (LOVE YOU DAD!)

"2009- OH SO FINE!"

We had a great new year at the Wright house!! Clint and I decided to have a last minute party so we called a few friends started planning! I made soup our friends and family brought appitizers, desserts...etc. My mom was also in town to help "ring in the new year"...which was a special treat in itself!" We had a really good time with all of our family and friends and were so glad they all made it. Most of our friends that were there had little kids, had to work the next day, it went something like this:

6:30pm the crew began arriving!

7:00 dinner is served...mingling in full force!

8:00 time for dessert!

8:30 a few with little ones began to leave to get the little tikes to bed...also a few young ones began to leave as they had "party hoppin" to do!

8:45 more people leaving....

9:00 everyone was gone?!! what?!

10:00 kitchen was cleaned up.....

11:00 watched the ball drop on TV

11:30 bed!!

Ha ha!! Only Clint and I would throw a NEW YEAR'S PARTY , end a new years eve party, have the kitchen cleaned up and be in bed before the new year even began! We were laughing at ourselves as we were headed to bed.....oh the joys of life!

Whew! Well I think that is a pretty good wrap up. :-) I'll try not to take so long on the next post!! ...haha...famous last words!