Thursday, July 31, 2008

Runny Nose & Stuff

Well it has been quite the week so far at the Wright House (apt), and it's only Wednesday...what could the rest of the week hold? Trinity and I got back from our trip to Austin on Saturday, where we did some major power shopping with Aunt Spamy. Good times had by all! Amy, Trinity and I had a wonderful Mexican dinner on Friday night.....we waited 2 hours for a delicious "to go order" is quite the story, but probably one where you "had to be there", so I won't bore you with the details. It boils down to going to a restaurant, there was a 2 hour wait, we waited in the blistering sun until 9 o'clock pm with a baby, then we were seated, ordered our food, asked for to go boxes and headed on our way. Nothing like a "to go" order that you wait 2 hours for!

On Sunday when we got back, I had to work in the nursery at church, and that is where the fun truly began! Yes I think I have learned to live by the fact that if you take your child to a nursery, he or she will come out with a runny nose. It's a law of life. And that is exactly what has happened. We have been sick ever since. Trinity began the whole debacle when she woke up Monday morning with a nose full of you know what. Then Tuesday morning Clint woke up with a sore throat and full sinuses, and today it's my turn! Fun Fun Fun! However I have discovered that when you have a baby, you CAN'T get even if you are CAN'T suck it up's time to be a mom!

Better go blow my nose!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

MILESTONES: Making Progress!

NOTE: I posted about our old house and the move a few weeks ago, but for some reason it posted down before Clint's have to scroll down to see it. It's called "Extreme Wright Makeover." You'll want to check it out before reading this post....:-)

The house is really coming along! This week we will have reached a milestone as we will be getting the insulation blown in! Yeah! (for those of you that are like me and are not really sure why that is so means that dry wall and hardwood floors are just around the corner! yeah!) Clint has been working SO hard to get everything finished to his point. He goes to his jobsite all day and then continues working at our house until about 9:30 every evening. He has also been working 10-12 hour days every weekend. I don't know how he does it, but Trinity and I are SO appreciative of all his hard work. (not to mention it has been 100+ degrees outside!) It looks like the tentative move in date is around September 30th.Clint assures me that although the house will not be finished at that point, it will be "live-able" the definition of "live-able" could be argued...but never the less, we'll be in our home!

Milestones thus far:
-jack-hammered concrete slab in kitchen & bathroom to move plumbing
-tear down walls and move others to open the floorplan
-flip/flop master bedroom & bathroom in the floorplan
-install new windows throughout the house
-added two new sets of french doors to the backyard
-added a brick mailbox
-removed window seats in dining and guest bedrooms (they were ugly!)
-reframed celings in kitchen, dining, living & master bedroom
-framed the kitchen island & put in pilars
-framed the kitchen pantry
-installed and connected all plumbing throughout the house
-installed and connected all electrical throughout the house
-installed a brand new roof

Front of the house, we have installed all new windows, added the mailbox, put on a new roof, taken out window boxes and pulled weeds from the yard (we were left with dirt!).

View of the kitchen with the new windows, island & pilars!

View of the kitchen from the back corner of the living room.

View of the livingroom from the island in the's changing so much already!

New french doors and windows in our master bedroom (keep in mind this used to be the master bathroom)...what a view!

...MORE TO COME!! We'll keep you posted!

Friday, July 18, 2008

AMTBM....America's Next Top Baby Model!

So after Clint celebrated his 30th...Trinity got her time in the spotlight as well. Clint's Aunt Bev is very artistically talented and is wonderful at taking photographs. She gave Trinity a little photo-shoot last Sunday and I thought I would share a few pics... America's Next Top Baby we come!

Trinity's cousins, Nathan & Natalie, were there helping out & getting Trinity to smile!
They were a big help!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The BIG 3-0!!

So it's official....Clint has turned 30~! Now a few of you may be a bit perplexed...and we do apologize. You see, Clint has been claiming his 25th Birthday for the past 4 or 5 we do understand if you are confused how he turned 30 so quickly. However, rest assured...I am sure he will be turning "30" for the next few years as well!

Apparently when you turn 30, fashion is one of the first things to go....

Clint's showing off his "old man socks & shoes".

Our nephew Nate proves that we partied until we were "pooped".....


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Out with the Old & in with the New: EXTREME WRIGHT MAKEOVER

As many of you know, at the beginning of June, we sold our house. To be honest, I cried for a week (I, as in Aubrey, Clint was sad...but didn't shed a tear! ). We call it our Tanglewood House and it was our first home. We had so many memories there. Although we lived in the "Harn" first for 2 years when we were married, Tanglewood was our first house. I cried when Clint took me to look at it and said we were going to buy it, as then it was a time warp and needed SO much work. However, Clint had vision and a beautiful vision it was! It turned out to be the most beautiful home! Everything in that house Clint had done; moved walls, redid plumbing, painted walls, tiled, laid the hardwood floor (that came from the old East High School in Sioux City Iowa!), built the kitchen cabinets, built the fire

place mantel, you name it and he did it . I think that was why it was so hard to leave. There were tears when we bought it, and then tears when it was time to leave.

However, like my Dad always told me when I was little, "All good things must come to an end.." and we sold it!! It was a bit unexpected, as we decided very quickly to sell. We put our house on the market and had 4 good offers in 24 hours! Needless to say we ecstatic! It made living in a war zone of construction for 5 years completely worth it! We closed and moved out a month later.

THE INTERIM.....APT #1025At the beginning of June we moved into an apartment....what a change! I don't have a picture, but honestly an apartment is an apartment...let's be honest! Picture your typical beige carpet, beige walls, white trim, and ugly linoleum tiled floors...and there you have it! We like to call it "Home Sweet , Temporary, Home!"

THE NEW....2920 S CREEKWOOD DR.So now we have begun project #2. We bought a house that backs up to a park with a creek behind it...Trinity will be in "little-kid heaven" when she gets a little older! It's a beautiful propery, a wonderful neighborhood, and a huge yard.....however there is one little TWIST...The house is just a shell. Yes, what you are thinking is correct...the outside looks like a normal house (well except for the fact that it

has been vacant for over a year...), but the inside is just studs, no plumbing, no walls, no sheetrock, no electricity, no get the picture. Let's just call it "Clint's Dream!" So our new home is a project in itself, but we are excited about the completion (will it ever done?!).

Our future living room (view from the kitchen)

This is the future master bedroom & bathroom. We actually have plans to "swap" the two rooms. Currently the master bathroom is at the back of the house. But we want the view of the backyard/creek from our bedroom, so we are swaping the two rooms in the floorplan.

This is looking into the kitchen from the living room, the laundry room is to the back left and the dining area is on the right (we are actually removing all of these walls, so it's all open with just an island in the middle.)

So, we might be a little crazy..but we are, ready or not....Here we go!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

IOWA ADVENTURE 2008....From Sioux City to Oko-ma-boji!

DISCLOSURE: Okay...well we are figuring out this "blog" thing as we hopefully we'll get better and more creative as we go...but hey, ya gotta start somewhere! haha..
At the end of June, Aubrey & Trinity flew home to begin the adventure! We went home to Sioux City, Iowa a few days early to spend time with Grandma Debbie! We also wanted to spend time with Aunt Ashley & Uncle Joe before they headed off on thier 27 month adventure to Mali, Africa. They will be volunteering for the Peace Corps for the next two years (we'll miss you!). We had a blast! Then "Daddy" Clint joined us for the Fourth of July as we headed up to Lake Okoboji, Iowa with the entire "Martin Clan" for the annual Martin Family Reunion. Trinity survied her first vacation (with or without naps!!) and we had a blast!

Kickin' it with Aubrey's family...aren't we cute!?

Swimming with daddy!

Trinity's splashing in the indoor pool with her cousin Makayla!

Getting ready to celebrate Independence day! Accessories always make an outfit!
This doesn't happen often...Trinity hangin' with Uncle Joe!! She had to get her time in before he heads off to Africa!
Stopping for a bite of pizza on the way to the Omaha airport before we have to say goodbye to Grandpa Randy! Then it's back to Texas!