Thursday, July 31, 2008

Runny Nose & Stuff

Well it has been quite the week so far at the Wright House (apt), and it's only Wednesday...what could the rest of the week hold? Trinity and I got back from our trip to Austin on Saturday, where we did some major power shopping with Aunt Spamy. Good times had by all! Amy, Trinity and I had a wonderful Mexican dinner on Friday night.....we waited 2 hours for a delicious "to go order" is quite the story, but probably one where you "had to be there", so I won't bore you with the details. It boils down to going to a restaurant, there was a 2 hour wait, we waited in the blistering sun until 9 o'clock pm with a baby, then we were seated, ordered our food, asked for to go boxes and headed on our way. Nothing like a "to go" order that you wait 2 hours for!

On Sunday when we got back, I had to work in the nursery at church, and that is where the fun truly began! Yes I think I have learned to live by the fact that if you take your child to a nursery, he or she will come out with a runny nose. It's a law of life. And that is exactly what has happened. We have been sick ever since. Trinity began the whole debacle when she woke up Monday morning with a nose full of you know what. Then Tuesday morning Clint woke up with a sore throat and full sinuses, and today it's my turn! Fun Fun Fun! However I have discovered that when you have a baby, you CAN'T get even if you are CAN'T suck it up's time to be a mom!

Better go blow my nose!


Amartin said...

Wow, sounds like a good week eh? For some reason it always seems like you guys are sick. Maybe your working too hard. Take my advice, get your wisdom teeth pulled out and stay in bed for a few days. It's good times and great oldies.!

Unknown said...

i am sorry I haven't pulled through as the "local" sister in regards to posting on your blog, but I must come to address an issue I have with your current blog entries:
No pictures from your trip to Austin...I got nothing I have anxiously anticipating the Blog entry that reads something like this:
Trinity's and I trip to Austin helped us realize....

1.Aunt Spamy is one in a million!

2.Aunt Spmay comes through again!

3.How would we do it with out Aunt Spamy!
I mean these are only merely suggestions...

Other then that I got nothing...
But let me tell you...
one great lesson i learned from your trip to austin is..
do NOT wait for mere food for two matter who, what, or where you are!
Love you Aubs, Clint, and my lil' tri-diggity!

aunt spamy

oh and bubba don't you wish you got to stay in the hospital for wisdom that would be the perfect set up!

Unknown said...

further note:
I got put under the blog "runny nose and stuff"....
I guess you could just catorgize me as the "stuff"
maybe I am fed-ex like Bubba says I am!

(know that this is all jokes aubs..anything for laugh!)

Unknown said...

visiting aunty amy is ALWAYS venturing into the unknow....WE ALL KNOW THAT :-)
i'm sure it was all the fussing going on over TG that made you lose track of time and how to handle the food order !!
hope your household is all feeling better...
love ya all !!
the doobs........