Saturday, January 24, 2009


This weekend is one of our first "down" weekends in a while. We didn't have a lot going on , except of course the never ending job of working on the house. Clint has been working on the master closet. I am SO excited! Right now Clint has his clothes in the guest closet and my clothes are spread out all over the place. Some are in the guest closet, some are in Trinity's closet and the rest are in the master bedroom in suitcaes and boxes. I am a bit of an "organization freak" ( surprise surprise!), so I am excited for completion of the closet.:-) It's kind of fun getting design how you want everything laid out! hmmm..where can I put ALL of my shoes!!

Having a down weekdend has also meant we got to spend lots of fun time with Trinity! She'll be 14 months this week which is just crazy...where does the time go? She is still not walking completely on her own. She practically runs when you hold her hand, but she just gets scared when she is on her own. I am not too worried....she knows when she's ready...she'll do it! (right?!!!) She is getting so fun and beginning to say some fun stuff. She finally says "ma ma"....I thought it would never come. She also loves to say "hi" and wave at anyone and any animal in front of her. Dogs are her favorite. She said "A" for Ace way before she even thought of saying "ma ma"! haha. We are trying to learn some "baby sign"...not sure if it's totally kicking in. She does sign "milk" sometimes, but who knows. She is definately is a little "indpendent woman" and does what she wants when she wants too...(hmm..who does she get that from?!!)

Tonight at dinner she learned a new "trick" and a new word "uh oh" probably shouldn't be a "trick" we encourage in the future, but hey we had to capture it on video! Unfortunately we missed the "original" on video, but we tried real quick to re-inact it....She is just so stinkin' cute!!



Unknown said...

now if that doesn't put a smile on your face and make you laugh....nothing will. She's adaorable :-)

Amartin said...

That's funny. I never thought I would see that girl push food away from her face....... Trinity is amazingly cute, Aubrey and Clint are awesome parents that love christ, and Ace is different. Blessed. Miss and Love you guys!