yes..I said four. I know it's been a while since my last blog..don't worry my family reminds me very often of how they are sick of seeing the pics of the mickey mouse snow man when they come to the blog! So I thought I would try to post before more time passes.
Quite a bit has happened in the Wright house since the Mickey Mouse snowman has melted. Let's see, Clint has been super busy with work, Aubrey finished out the year as a curriculum specialist with the school district, Trinity is in the midst of her terrible twos for sure...oh yeah..and we had a baby!
Trace James Wright joined us on April 22, 2010 at 11:49pm. He weighed 8lbs 8oz and 20.5 in long. He was already a big boy from the start! It has been a whirlwind ever since! Maybe that is why I haven't posted in so long! :-) Trace has been awesome! The first 2 months or so were pretty crazy, I will admit. No one could have prepared me for the craziness and exhaustion of adding baby #2 to your family. It turned our world upside down, but in the best way possible. It took a lot of teamwork, adjusting and just plain love, but the Wright family couldn't be happier! Someone told me that once that your first baby changes you and your second baby changes your life and I could not agree more!
Trinity has been the best big sister! She really loves her little brother, "Baby Trace", so much. She really grew up so much the moment we came home from the hosipital....she has become such a "big girl." It's seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the really does go so fast.
Trace is already 3 months old and has done so much! He took a road trip to Iowa in June to meet all of our family and to finally see Aunt Ashley and Uncle Joe! They have returned to from Mali, Africa after thier 2 year commitment to the Peace Corp. and we are SO excited to have them home. When they left Trinity was about 6 months and Trace wasn't even a thought yet....well maybe a thought, but that is it! :-) After our Iowa road trip, about 2 weeks later we got in the truck again and drove to Colorado for my cousin's wedding where we had a blast with family! So Trace and Trinity have had quite the travelin' summer and it's not over yet! We will be headed to Arizona in August for my brother's wedding, however this time we have opted for the plane ride...not sure if we could handle 20+ hours in the car for that one!
I have been home with both of the kids since April when Trace was born and it's been the greatest blessing ever! Being home with the kids for 4 months has just been incredible! We have watched movies, gone to the park, played at bounce houses, gone to the zoo, made play-dates, baked cookies, and so much more....being a momma has definately been the craziest journey I have been on yet, but the absolute best journey I have ever begun! I am incredibly blessed with such an incredible husband and daddy and two incredible kiddos. God is definately good!

Our new famliy of 4. Trace was not even 24 hours old yet.

Life doesn't get any better than this.

Our new little man!

This was taken about 4-5 hours before Trace arrived. Trinity was so excited to meet her little brother.

3 days old. Precious.

I love this picture so much! Trace's nursery colors were based off an old sock monkey, so this was the most perfect picture to hang in his room!

At 10 days old, Clint's Aunt Bev came to do a newborn shoot with Trace and it was awesome! The following black and white pics are from that day, and she did an incredible always!

What a sleeping angel.

Even at 10 days old Trace's personally was showing through. He is the happiest baby I have ever been around. He is always smiling, laughing and is really laid back. just want to kiss him!

Coming home from the hospital was quite a change. But Trinity handled it beautifully. She has taken on the role of "Big Sister" like a champ!

My new little prince!

He looks so much like Clint's baby pics, it's almost creepy!

There is my happy man!

On our Colorado trip, Aunt Amy made this litte outfit for Trace for my cousin's was adorable and a huge hit!