Sunday, September 14, 2008

Daddy Style!

Sunday's are usually "daddy days" around the Wright House (apartment for the moment). What I mean by that is that Clint usually lets me get a few extra minutes of "beauty sleep" and he gets up with Trinity, gets her breakfast and dressed. What a great dad he is! This morning, he got up with her and changed her diaper, got her out of bed and fed her breakfast. And yes he did it "daddy style!" I walked into the living room and this is what I made me laugh and created a fun and wonderful memory I thought I would share
Daddy Style Tip #1: Who needs a bow to keep your pretty hair out of your face, when you can just keep your pajama top on the top of your head...hey it gets the job done doesn't it?
Daddy Style Tip #2: Who needs a bib to keep your clothes clean while you eat when can just go naked?
Daddy Style Tip #3: Who needs a pillow or anyone cuddling me while I drink my milk? I am just fine on the sofa myself!
Daddy Style Tip #4: What is the point of putting clothes on when you can just rock the ballet slipper socks all day long!
I loved it! He is the best daddy a little girl could ask for (not to mention a wonderful husband as well!)

I had to include this pic because the one above reminded me of it...just a mere 9 months ago this was our little Trinity on the same couch! Crazy how a few months changes things! She is such a big girl now!


grandma said...

Aubrey, Clint, & Trinity,
Trinity, you are God's gift to your parent's and ALL that love you.
Aubrey and Clint, GOD has blessed you with one of the most precious gift's parent's receive from HIM.
Prayers make us so intimate with
GOD that we scarely pass through an experience before we speak to HIM about it in Thanksgiving and adoration and we know you had this feelings for Trinity's dedication Saturday.
We are sorry we couldn't be there but our thoughts and prayers were for you. Congratulations. We love you,
Grandma & Grandpa
We enjoyed the pictures--Thanks!

Tonia said...
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Tonia said...

This is the cutest entry ever! I love it. I get a little chocked up looking at the photo of her on the couch as a newborn. Charlie and I said we should stop feeding Anna so we can stunt her growth and she won't get bigger. Do you think that is logical? ;-) Can't wait to see you guys and have the girls get into a big mess together :-)
