Saturday, January 2, 2010

Birthdays, Turkey Day, Christmas & Happy New Year (part 2)

Well after the Turkey ws gone and the birthday celebrations were over, there was only a month until Christmas and it went by fast! Before we knew it Christmas was here! It was so much fun with Trinity this year. She loved Santa and pointed out every nutcracker and snowman that was around. She loved to tell everyone that Santa says "ho ho ho!" Santa also out did himself this year!! He was running a bit behind schedule so luckily Daddy (aka Clint!) was able to help Santa out. He brought Trinity a kitchenette....and it is the cutest ever! It is already loaded with food, dishes, pots and pans, and even her very own blender and apron. She loves it!

This year for Christmas we traveled south to Mission, Texas to spend time with my family. We met my sister (Amy), brother (Aaron) and dad in Austin stayed the night there and then made the treck down to the valley to see my grandparents and other extended family. Uncle Adam met us in the valley when we got there (lucky, he got to fly!). While we were in Austin we made a stop at the local mall to see Santa and Trinity was great. She sat on his lap and smiled "purty."

Hangin' with the man of the hour.

Coloring with her new water color book that Santa left in her stocking.
Of all the food that was left with her kitchen, she went straight to the cupcakes first!
Lovin' her new kitchen !!

Discovering that Santa had arrived and brought LOTS of fun new toys!

We had a big family dinner the last night we were in the valley and Grandma made her famous fried chicken....Trinity ran around and had so much fun with all of her cousins she was worn out!
Amy, Adam, Aaron and our cousin Jer anticipating the "fried chicken" dinner!

Trinity and her cousins Makayla and Maci at my Aunt Renee's. She had a blast playing with the girls!
Uncle Bubba and Jer.
Gpa and Aunt Amy...not sure how to respond to this pic...:-) Gotta love my dad!
Overall we had a fantastic Christmas. Clint and I both talked about how much more magical it was this year to see Trinity light up with the wonderful magic of Christmas. I can't wait to spend more Christmases with our little princess (not to mention the little prince that will be here in May!)
...OH did I forget to mention that? haha! One of our biggest Christmas presents this year was that Clint and I found out that we are having a boy!! We were so surprised and so excited! Trinity is going to be a big sis to a baby bro! How fun! Our little man will be here at the beginning of May!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holidays are always better when spent with family. I'm so glad to see you all had a grand time at your grandparents this year.
I'm also wondering if you could ask santas' helper if he knows how to build a clothes dryer,,,I'm in need of a new one