Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat!

"Trick or Treat!" was the theme of the evening and we had a great one! My dad came in town for the weekend and it was fun to have him around. Trinity has grown so much since the last time he saw her and has really started talking and developing her "independence" (a.k.a. attitude!). We went down to Main St. in Grapevine on Friday night.....nevermind the fact that I finished Trinity's costume minutes (literally) before we dressed her up and headed down town...oh man! Clint and I were so proud we finished her costume on Thursday night....we cut, we hand sewed, we glued.....and we finished...only to look at the costume and realize it was about 4 sizes to small! So it was back to square one and rush, rush on Friday. It had to be completely redone! Thanks to my friend Carol at work...we got it all taken care of and Trinity looked adorable! Uncle Adam taught her to say "Oompa, Oompa" which was very fitting as well. For those of you that haven't cultured yourselves to the wonderful world of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original, not the new one, it's creepy!)...Trinity was an Oompa Loompa this year. It was so fun!

We had Clint's family and some friends over on Halloween night. And of course Aunt Amy came into town, so there was never a dull moment! It was great! Trinity loved Trick or Treating and picked it up pretty quickly thanks to her cousin's Nate and Natalie, they were a big help! She went door to door for about an hour and then it was time to head in for bath time (had to get that green out of her hair). However, she decided she still wanted to trick or treat. So after her bath, while she was in her PJ's, we had to "pretend" trick or treat in the bedrooms before we could go to bed! It was so cute!

Overall, it was a very successful Halloween and I can't wait to celebrate more of them with our little munchkin...(hmmmm, maybe we could do that costume next year...haha!)

Trinity and Aunt Amy....getting ready for some trick or treating!

So I was so busy getting Trinity's costume together, I lacked one all together. So to try to get in the true Halloween spirit...Amy and I improvised....can you tell what we were? We thought we were pretty clever! haha

And we are off!

Ohhhh!! Look at all of this candy Mom! (this is my fav pic!)

Ace, are you coming?

Aunt Spamy...need I say more? We love her!


Playing in all of our candy with Mimi before heading to bed. What a day!

The two videos I posted might be a little tough to watch..just FYI. We accidently recorded them sideways...but I wanted to share them anyway. The first one is dark at the beginning, but it will lighten up, just give it a sec. :-) Happy sideways watching!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ballerina Bedtime

Last night as we were getting ready for bedtime, Trinity decided that being she had her ballerina PJ's on she also needed to put on her ballerina tutu! She was so funny. She was dancing, spinning, jumping, and practicing her ballet positions. She is my "tiny dancer!"

Nothing like being a ballerina before bedtime!

Is this what you mean by arms up?

Dancing is so fun!

First position!

Is this better?

Like this?

What position is this mom?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Last weekend Clint and I had the time of our New York City! We said good-bye to our little munchkin on Friday night, she spent the weekend with Mimi & Papa, and we were off! We did it all;Times Square, Ground Zero, City Tour, Broadway, Cheesecake, Pizza, Rockefeller, the list goes on and on. Although the weather was about 30 degrees below normal for this time of year (we were a wee bit cold!), it didn't stop us. We had an amazing time. I'll let our pics tell our story.
Our first morning out...taking in Times Square!

Oh the celebrities we saw!

Lady Liberty....really thought she was much bigger!

Our first meal...of course some good NY pizza!!

Clint remembers this bull from many movies...I don't....but I took a pic with it's hiney anyway!


I saw this on a bus...shout out to mom and sistas! We heart TJ!

Our first night on the pier after a full day of walking and touring through the cold all day.

Um...M&M store....a pregnant girl's dream! haha

Our first night we walked down to Rockefeller Plaza. It was beiautiful! They had the ice skating rink up and was awesome!

So we ventured out to the Statue of Liberty on the second day. Little did we know it would be rainy and freezing! It really was cold, I am not just being dramatic...promise!

Quick pic before we ran back to the ferry to get warm!

Yum! Cheesecake! I was so excited!

Although our hotel was was a little "boutique-ish" place right in the middle of everything really. However, we didn't quite get the drop dead view of the city that we had hoped....we laughed and chalked it up as a memory! :-)

Dinner after our broadway debut. We saw Shrek and was magnificant! We had a wonderful night!

Our last day there, the sun finally came out! Go figure. :-) We took it easy strolled through Central Park and tried to take the last sites of the city in.

How many movies have you seen this in??

Saying good-bye to NYC in front of our cute little hotel.

Overall....we had the time of our lives! I have to admit, it would haven't been so great if I didn't have such a great husband! It was so great to have a weekend away together and reflect on all of the blessings that we have. And he even let me shop a little! Kudos to Clint! haha. We have been married over 8 years now and I can honestly say each year has gotten better and better. He is the best friend, husband and daddy ever! I am not sure how I got so lucky...but I will take it!

My Pun'kin with the pumpkins!

On Sunday we took Trinity to her first pumpkin patch!! But of course we had to go in style!! a pumpkin (thanks Grandma Debbie!)! It was her cousin Natalie's Birthday party and we had a blast! We played in the hay, went through a corn maze, ate kettle korn, and found lots and lots of pumpkins! Oh how I love this time of year!

Getting in "uniform" to head to the pumpkin patch!
Look mom...I found a corn husk!

Can you see me?


Taking a break (a very short one as we all know that child doesn't really know what "breaks" are!) with Daddy!

The one and only picture where she smiled for the camera. She said "cheese" quite a bit but gave you a 1/2 second window to click the pic! Little miss indepdendent! This is my favorite pic!
Baby Pumpkins....

Mmmm....Kettle Korn!

Getting lost in the corn maze with Momma & Mimi!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Take me out to the ball game!

Over labor day weekend, we took Trinity to her first football game. However, not just any football game. We went to watch Colleyville Heritage (the high school I taught at) play at the brand new Cowboys stadium! It was pretty awesome. The place is stinkin' amazing! I mean why would we take her to just a little ol' football game at the school stadium right? haha! However, we did have to go in style. You'll have to scroll down the pics to find out how stylish she truly is!

I know I am biased, but she is freakin adorable. She has her "Future Pantera" out fit out. Panteras is the dance team at Colleyville Heritage. Nothing like starting early?!!
Cowboys stadium, here I come!

Mom! This place is SO cool!

Okay, I have had enough...the newness has worn off.

Go Panthers!

Clint had to take a picture of the's gi-normous!
Playing with momma, waiting for the Panteras to perform at halftime!
Watching the Panteras, realizing I have missed my nap time.
What a day! And another win for the Colleyville Heritage Panthers!