Wednesday, July 15, 2009

uh..oh...I think Trinity needs an IPhone

Being home with Trinity this summer has been so much fun. Yesterday she officially discovered the cell phone. Don't get me wrong, she has loved to play with them since she was an infant, but yesterday she took her "girly-ness" to true form and "talked" on her phone for over an hour! haha. Maybe she needs the new Toddler Iphone....

Friday, July 10, 2009


Top 10 things to consider when traveling home (Iowa):

1. If you travel with a 19 month old, don't plan on getting any rest. You will need a vaction from your vacation!

2. It can be a high of 69 one day and 98 the next. How do you pack for that?

3. Give into the fact that trying to fit in enough time to see everyone you want for ample amount of time is simply an impossible task.

4. The first place you should "hit up" while leaving the airport is Taco John's. Gotta love "West-Mex!" (mmm..Potato Ole's and Cheese!)

5. Eat Jerry's Pizza as well! (even if Clint thinks its not really that great...he totally doesn't get it!)

6. Plan on gaining 10 lbs while home visiting family....all we do is eat! (um...not kidding)

7. Omaha airport is Ghetto. Yeah...I said it. G-H-E-T-T-O.

8. Take advanatage of $250 travel vouchers to catch an earlier flight...even if it means your toddler skips a nap...totally worth it!

9. Don't send your luggage to Madrid, Spain-while you are visiting Sioux City,Iowa. DUH!

10. Sunscreen $10, Bathing suit $20, ........Spending the day soaking (or burning for some)up the sun at Uncle Itchy's pool, priceless.

Trinity loved the plane ride!

She was taking it all in! we come!

Me and momma!

(yes can go to hollywood too, with your sunglasses!)

Clint and I....sweet hair!

Trinity and her cousin, Kar-Kar-Sue-Sue (Karlee Sue)

Lay off me dad...I can totally swim on my own.

Can you tell which one is my husband?

Me and Jen's girls (Ellie, Maddie, Kylie) & Trinity.

I can't imagine if I actually had 4 kids, but I bet it'd be fun!

Me and Jen...catching up. That's the great thing about "old" friends...when you see them it's like you have never been apart.

Trinity and Grandpa Randy (finally a pic of you and Trinity dad!)

Me and Dad (pops)

Happy Fourth of July!

Trinity was sure to read up on the Safety Manuel while on the plane...Don't worry she had it all under control!