Sunday, November 30, 2008

1 year photo shoot!

The week of Trinity's birthday we had to have a photoshoot! Aunt Beverly came over (AKA "Be-Be") and captured some pretty cute moments of our little girl! We did everything from Christmas-y, to tutus, to just plain cute! She is really becoming a little girl and no longer our litlte baby! Enjoy the pics! We have our favorites, I am sure you can choose yours too!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Countdown Until One!

Wow...what a year! A lot has happened with the Wright family in the past year. Let's see we...

-had a baby girl
-began the adventure of parenthood
-sold our house
-moved into an apartment
-moved out of an apartment
-rebuilt our new house (still in progress!)
-moved into our new "live-able" house
...and now....
In less than two weeks, our baby girl turns one!!
It's hard to believe that Trinity is going to be one years old!The past year has flown by! Everyone always tells you to "cherish each moment" and I believe and hope that we have. We have so many fun memories of the last year with her that it's almost overwhelming. We can hardly wait to create more exciing memories as a family.
She is looking more and more like her daddy as she is getting older, and although we are still biased, we believe she is so "stinkin' cute!" She loves to bounce, crawl everywhere, "sing" and is pull up on everything. She loves to say "dada"...but hasn't quite mastered "mama". (go figure! ) I just said the other day to someone at work, "she is no longer my baby, but becoming my little girl!" It's crazy. Clint and I have learned so much in the last twelve months about babies, sleep deprevation, formula, runny noses, sleep schedules, napping, bottles, crawling, grasping, feeding,crusing, giggling,loving...and so much more! I know we still have so much left to learn about being parents, but if there is one thing we have learned its that Trinity is truly a gift and our lives will never be the same!
We love her so much!

Lovin' the pig tails!

Happy as ever!

...whew...what a year!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Well we celebrated our first Halloween with Miss Trinity..a.k.a Pebbles!
How in the world did she get so stinkin' cute!?~

yes...she has now learned how to "pose" for the camera!

Miss Pebbles getting ready for the "big night out!"

Ladies and Gentlemen...we introduce, Pebbles Flinstone!

oh..So cute!

...and don't forgtet Wilma too!